Irina Vlada, MD

Irina Vlada, MD

Irina Vlada, PhD(c), a psychologist, author and entrepreneur, known for her pioneering work in developing holistic ketamine treatment programs. With a profound commitment to promoting overall well-being, she places a strong emphasis on the significance of psychedelic preparation and integration protocols to fortify the nervous system.

Drawing on her extensive training in the Himalayas, Irina integrates alternative modalities such as mindfulness, breathwork, and meditation into the healing process. At the heart of Irina's mission is the intention to blend the power of Western medicine with the wisdom of Eastern traditions, fostering a safe and sacred environment for individuals to undergo profound personal transformations. 

Currently pursuing her PhD, Irina's research is centered around Neuroplasticity and Healing through altered states of consciousness, showcasing her commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in mental health and well-being. Irina Vlada serves as a guiding force, leading individuals towards a holistic path of healing and personal growth.